sábado, 28 de mayo de 2011

Power to the people, right NOW!

Say you want a revolution, we better get on right away. Well, you get on your feet and out on the street... when we come into town.

This lines were write by John Lennon in the seventies. But now, in 2011 this words become important, again.

In a few days, a unpolitical group called "LOS INDIGNADOS" were taken the spain's streets and the attention of the world press and the media. But, this happened before in Egypt, Lybia and many arab countries.
Inclusive in Chile, with the ecologistic movement against the Hidroaysen's proyect, people manifestate their ideas.

And, in my point of view, that this occur is very important. Why? Because, in the last time, the politics in general has lost popularity because the people are disappointed.

For many years the media accused the young of having a carefree attitude and that not interested in the society life. But, with this manifestations we are demonstrated that the life is important for us, in all of the aspects! Education, health, ecology, equality, justice and peace.

Also, the internet is played an fundamental role in this situation, Facebook, Twitter. Blogs and Youtube are actually the plataform for deliver the real situation for a country, for a society. All of the marchs, protest, strikes are iniciated by social networks. Then, the traditional media have lost importance, because many times they hide the true for their own interests.
The people wants the power, the real power, but ever under the democratic system. And if the politicals and goverments don't changes the actual situation of "don't hear" the petitions of voters and general citizens, they'll be lost! really they'll be lost!

The revolution is coming, sir. And all the voices will be only one, the people voice! without politic colour, without genre differences, without social class... Maybe, I know that it's a utopic idea, but

You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us and the world will be as one!

Peace and love for everyone! I see you later!

viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

A day in a life...

In the Paul McCartney's style ,"Hola Chiquillos". I'm here today to talking about my actually favorite photograph . This is a very dificult decission, because I love the Photography . One of my dreams is to learn about this art of profesional way, but for the moment I'm only an amateur.

Well, the Picture choosed was taked for me, three weeks ago. I was in the bus from the university to home, in Independencia Street, and in one busstop, when the bus stopped for the red light in the traffic light, I saw a little dog and an indigent, sleeping in the sidewalk. The curious was that both, the dog and the man, were resting in the same possition!!!
This amazed me, and inmediatly , in a little time period, I taken the photograph with the help for my boyfriend (Yes, my Nokia cellphone, I talked you about this before...)

But, Why this Photopraph is important to me? Well, this is because I felt a strange sensations when I saw the poor man sleeping in the pavement. I had a contradictory feeling, because I felt pain for the man situation, but I felt a big tenderly and nostalgy, too. Inclusive, I laughed a little bit of the situation. And I Tried to transmit my mix of feelings trough this photograph.

Well my little boys, this is all for today. Here, I leave you my favorite picture.

I'll be back and I hope to see you!
Cheers :)

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

Hapiness is a ... Cell Phone! :)

Hello! Hello!
I'm back!
In this ocassion, I want to tell you two important things. The first is that May 11th I went to "Paul McCartney's Show" in Estadio Nacional, and this was amazing! And, I'm still very happy for this.
And the second is... Do you want to know a secret? I'm in love!
Yes! But, I'm in love with my Cell Phone, a NokiaXpress Music!
But my romance with the Nokia's Technologies it's very old.
In the sixties, the Nokia's Company sold the first "pre-cellphone", but only in 1987, Nokia introduced in market, one of first the world's cell phones, the Mobira Cityman 900 for NMT-900 networks. And, since this date, the company is one of the most recognized companies about mobil telephones.
In my case, my first cell phone was a Nokia, called vulgarly "Black Brick", for it was very size. But this cell phone was the most resistent and perdurable. Posteriorly, I've had a Motorola's cell and a Samsung's cell, but I wasn't conforming with the service of these. Then, I bought a Nokia again, and this is my faithful boyfriend! Is very resistent, because it often falls but never breaks. Also, the first quality that i like is that have a mp3 player! This is very important to me. Also my cellphone have a big space in their memory card for music's storage. And, it has a integrated camera, really practice.
For this reasons, and many more, my nokia cell phone is my favorite piece of technollogy, and would not trade this for any IPhone o Touch Cell :)

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

London Town: Oh, where are there places to go...♫

Click on image to alarge!

And, my proposal for the "Free Days"

  1. Thursday,


Place: Bridget Jones Tour of Locations (Tower Bridge, London Bridge, St Pauls Cathedral)

Entrance Fee:

Tube Station: Temple

Travel Zone: London's City

Place: Harry Potter Walking Tour
Entrance Fee: £17
Tube Station: Westminster
Travel Zone: London's city, Kings Cross Station

  1. 2. Saturday
Place: Notting Hill Tour
Entrance Fee: £15
Tube Station: Notting Hill Gate
Travel Zone: West London; Notting Hill, Portobello Road market.

Place: Beatles Tour of London
Entrance Fee: £15
Tube Station: Piccadilly Circus
Travel Zone: Abbey Road studios, Beatles London Store on Baker Street and more.

Total additional:

jueves, 21 de abril de 2011

And the winner "Best Web Page" in The Hill's Awards, is...

Yes guys, this is my favorite page in relation to the Dentistry and General Medicine. I don't remember how to I found it, but I know this happened in my first year in the career, in 2009.
Medline Plus is a intersting web, sponsored by the U.S National Library of Medicine (a service of National Institutes of Health in the United States.)
The page is in spanish, and that's fine because in this way it's easier and faster find out the answers. But also, the page have a link for english version. This is very important, too.

Medline Plus is a site about health topics in general, including information over medicines, diseases, signs, syntoms, etiologies or the last treatment discovered. Furthermore, has information about clinical trials, reviews of investigations, and more.
This web have a Searching Motor, for looking for the doubts of the users.

Two of the things that most I like in this page is a lot of videos and multimedia tools! These are very fun!
Although Medline seems don't to be a appropriated page for people associated with the odontology, but this is a fake, because much of the oral patologies and the maxillofacial problems are descripted in this web site.
In my personal case, Medline is very useful and I recommend for you this, dear future colleagues!

Then, enjoy it. The URL for Medline Plus in spanish is http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/spanish/

and the english's URL:

...and that is all!
but remember: Peacefull and a lot of love for everyone in this Holy week!

jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

I'm the Big Fish. You're the Big Fish...

Hello! We are meeting again, my friends! In this ocassion, we'll be talking about movies. Well, my favorite movie of an all time, is "BIG FISH" by Tim Burton. In general I dislike Burton's films, but this is an exception. I saw this film for first time when I was fourteen. I liked too much, because the film is very surrealistic and it has a lesson about Life. Big Fish is about reconcilation between a father and his son. Will (the son) is tired about your dad because he's a storyteller from his own life, and for this, Will is very angry and he's not talking with his father for a long time. But now Edward Bloom, the dad, is terminally ill and Will wants know the true before Edward dies. The story is about "the marvel life of Edward Bloom", and is filled of freak people that existed in the reality, but for Mr. Bloom, also, all of them are fantastic and magic persons. Edward Bloom is a very excepctional man, too. He's considered a big fish for himself. He's very ambicious and competitive man, and he's a winner for nature. After of choking feeling in his village, he's travelling around the very places and then he's realasing that really "he was a big fish in a small pond, but the world was an ocean and he was drowing!!!" This phrase marked my life, because I think that's a reality.

jueves, 7 de abril de 2011

The first time: My presentation...

Hello! I'm María José Alvarado Mérida and i'm twenty. In this moment, i'm studying a 2th grade in the Dentistry School of the University of Chile! This is a very interesting career, and i'm happy for studying in this institution. Well, my family is my Mom, Patricia; my Dad, Jose and my little brother, Benjamin. He's eight years old. All of them are the love of my life :) I like the music. I love it! My favourite groups are The Beatles and Los Bunkers; and the solists that I prefer are Paul McCartney, Ismael Serrano, Vicentico, Morrisey and a lot more! I play guitar, no in a expert mode, but i like this. I going to the concerts. The most thing I liked in the world is listen live music. Other of my hobbies is read, very much. I liked Julio Cortazar, lately. About animals, I want to tell you that I have a pet, his name is Ita, (it's a rare name for a little penny). I dislike the cats, but I think that the horses and the guanacos are beautiful. In this moment of my life, i'm excited for three causes: The first, is that my idol, Sir Paul McCartney it's coming up to santiago of Chile this year, in May 11th and I hope going to the concert. The second reason is that this year, the subjects of my career are most related with the Odontology. And the third, and one of the most important reason, is that yesterday we started our English Class! This is very important to me, because learn english is an important tool for to work in the future, and in my case, I dream with to travel to UK, someday! I hope that everybody will have success in this class! Enjoy it and remember, all you need is love! :)