Say you want a revolution, we better get on right away. Well, you get on your feet and out on the street... when we come into town.
This lines were write by John Lennon in the seventies. But now, in 2011 this words become important, again.
In a few days, a unpolitical group called "LOS INDIGNADOS" were taken the spain's streets and the attention of the world press and the media. But, this happened before in Egypt, Lybia and many arab countries.
Inclusive in Chile, with the ecologistic movement against the Hidroaysen's proyect, people manifestate their ideas.
And, in my point of view, that this occur is very important. Why? Because, in the last time, the politics in general has lost popularity because the people are disappointed.
For many years the media accused the young of having a carefree attitude and that not interested in the society life. But, with this manifestations we are demonstrated that the life is important for us, in all of the aspects! Education, health, ecology, equality, justice and peace.
Also, the internet is played an fundamental role in this situation, Facebook, Twitter. Blogs and Youtube are actually the plataform for deliver the real situation for a country, for a society. All of the marchs, protest, strikes are iniciated by social networks. Then, the traditional media have lost importance, because many times they hide the true for their own interests.
The people wants the power, the real power, but ever under the democratic system. And if the politicals and goverments don't changes the actual situation of "don't hear" the petitions of voters and general citizens, they'll be lost! really they'll be lost!
The revolution is coming, sir. And all the voices will be only one, the people voice! without politic colour, without genre differences, without social class... Maybe, I know that it's a utopic idea, but
You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us and the world will be as one!
Peace and love for everyone! I see you later!
Liked your post Cote, and I absolutely agree.There are some grammar or spelling mistakes but the messages is understood which is very important!
ResponderEliminarYes, tha group, called Los indignados made a difference.I think it is time to change the way we act and react toward things happening next to us.We are the main characters of this play called life.
A hug